Overview of all NSFW (lewd and nude) mods for Wolfenstein 3D

Overview of all NSFW (lewd and nude) mods for Wolfenstein 3D

Tired of playing the good old classic first person shooter Wolfenstein 3D? What about replacing all the enemies with bare naked women, as today we're about to dig deep into the world of naughty porn mods for Wolfenstein 3D. Get ready for Hotel Pornostein, Femstein, Krankenstein and more naughty Wolfenstein 3D modifications.

overview of all nsfw lewd and nude mods for wolfenstein d cover

The in 1992 released (ground breaking) MS-DOS game Wolfenstein 3D doesn't need an introduction, right? This legendary game was the first of its kind, and was followed by a ton of titles in what arguably would become the most popular video game genre in history... First-person shooters! Wolfenstein 3D was developed by id Software and published by Apogee Software in 1992.

So, what about some NSFW mods? Turns out there are plenty adult mods for this classic retro shooter game. Let's have a look, shall we?

Table of Contents

  • XXX-Wolf, the first ever porn mod for the classic Wolfenstein 3D
  • Femstein
  • Hotel Pornostein
  • Hotel Romanstein (Series)
  • Krankenstein 1 & 2
  • How to play these old games and mods on a modern Windows 10 PC?

XXX-Wolf, the first ever porn mod for the classic first-person shooter; Wolfenstein 3D

As far as the history of the internet and the collective research done by fans of the classic first person shooter "Wolfenstein 3D" could manage to find out, the earliest mod created for Wolfenstein 3D was in fact an adult mod that goes by the name of: XXX-Wolf.

overview of all nsfw lewd and nude mods for wolfenstein d xxx wolf

Besides being known as the very first released modification, there isn't that many information known about XXX-Wolf, that also includes the unknown and mysterious creator of this mod. One thing is certain though, the creator of the XXX-Wolf mod sure had to know a thing or two about coding and modifying existing software code since this mod was released only 6 days after the initial release of the shareware version of Wolfenstein 3D!

This mod came to discovery after some serious Sherlock Holmes-style research done by a guy named Serpens (Also known as Ducky). Serpens is an active member of the Wolfenstein 3D modders community since 2007, and he lives in Poland.

While XXX-Wolf might be the first mod, being released on May 11 of 1992, it doesn't actually offer that much actual modification and changes. The only thing different in XXX-Wolf compared to the original Wolfenstein 3D, are the textures of posters or imagery on the walls being replaced from Nazi symbols and Hitler propaganda to pixelated pornography. And not just lewds by the way, some of these images even include close-up shots of penetration. Those naughty modders, ha?

XXX-Wolf isn't the only mod that simply just replaces a couple of in-game sprites with nude or lewd graphics, that list is in fact quite long. For that reason, we're not going to list all these smaller mods, and instead, we'll only focus on some of the more interesting adult mods for Wolfenstein 3D. The kind of mods which actually can be seen as an entirely "new game" and offer completely (or partly) new sprite sets, enemies, weapons and brand new level packs.


Just recently, I was wondering why nobody bothered or came up with the idea to replace a regular weapon (of pretty much any first person shooter game) and replace it with a dick, shooting... well, you know, "salty fluids". I mean, "first person penis shooter", that does sound kinda funny, right? Turns out, someone already did, which confirms once again that Rule 34 does really exists.

Always wanted to control a penis in a FPS game? Here's Femstein for ya!

Femstein sure offers an exciting plot;
"The year is 1998. After a wave of beatiful women and known models disappeared all around the world, the Russian intelligence have finally got a partial success on putting some light on the mystery. Apparently, on Island of Lesstop in the Pacific Ocean, a secret "amazonic" women movement established their main base. The goal of the movement apparently is creating a female army to take over the "Male-dominated" world, creating total female domination all over the Earth. Men will be used as slaves. To achieve that goal, women from around the world are being kidnapped and transferred to this Island, where they are asked to join the rebellion".

Pretty interesting ha? Kinda sounds like Planet of the Apes, but this time more like "Planet of the angry nude babes". Now I don't know about you, but I sure as hell prefer watching stripping girls over monkeys, angry or not, hihi.

overview of all nsfw lewd and nude mods for wolfenstein d femstein

Just like Hotel Pornostein, this mod also features a lot of nude and topless girls as the player's enemies, but Femstein also adds changes to the engine's source code. Changes include textured floors, ceilings, a fresh new arsenal of weaponry, certain items can now explode, gun bobbing, and even adding more advanced 3D directional and animation to the sprites.

overview of all nsfw lewd and nude mods for wolfenstein d femstein

Download Femstein (Free)

This mod was created by a modder named "DoomJedi", back in 2007. Femstein offers a total of 18 levels of which 16 are regular maps and two are secret bonus maps. Unlike the previous mods, this one is actually a mod for "Spear of Destiny", which originally was an official stand-alone level expansion pack released by ID Software for Wolfenstein 3D.

Hotel Pornostein

Castle Wolfenstein? Nah, I'd much rather visit Hotel Pornostein!

overview of all nsfw lewd and nude mods for wolfenstein d hotel pornostein

Download Hotel Pornostein

Imagine instead of trying to escape and blast your way out of all the Nazi bunker mazes, but now having to discover a way out of a brothel, while fighting off angry naked chicks. Sounds like your cup of tea? In that case, this mod is exactly what you've been looking for!

On February 22 (2003), a modder named Mr. Choi released his latest creation called "Hotel Pornostein" upon the world. A mod that was probably the most X-rated one for Wolfenstein 3D, which featured completely new levels and visuals, available at that time. And well, as it turns out, Mr Choi was only getting started (as many titles would follow, and we'll get to that in a second).

Hotel Pornostein is a modification based on the shareware version of Wolfenstein 3D, and thus, this mod comes with 10 brand new crafted levels in total. Besides textures being changed, Hotel Pornostein even replaced a lot of sprites, including the enemies. For example, the German shepherd dogs are replaced with a bare naked redhead babe threatening the player with her whip.

Hotel Romanstein (Series)

Remember how I've mentioned earlier that Mr Choi was only getting started after his first mod (Hotel Pornostein), well, here's why. Hotel Pornstein was just an earlier release of what later would become known as the final release; Hotel Romanstein. Hotel Romanstein eventually ended up being not just a single mod, but an entire series of mods, spawning many sequels and even special Christmas releases.

overview of all nsfw lewd and nude mods for wolfenstein d hotel romanstein

One year after the Hotel Pornostein release, Mr Choi was back at it again, releasing the mod in its final form and was being renamed to "Hotel Romanstein". While still based on that earlier mod, Hotel Romanstein did however replace all the porn textures and sprites with manga and anime visuals. Pretty much replacing all hardcore porn with soft and lewd sprites. For example, the bare naked girls in the game are being replaced with anime characters wearing swimsuits and bikini's. So instead of the hardcore approach, for the final version of the mod, Mr Choi decided to go with a more subtle softcore approach.

The first mod in the Hotel Romanstein series was released on August 31 of 2004. The mod was once again build for the free to download shareware version of Wolfenstein 3D. It uses the same 10 level maps as the previous Hotel Pornostein.

overview of all nsfw lewd and nude mods for wolfenstein d hotel romanstein

Download Hotel Romanstein

Four years after Hotel Romanstein, Mr Choi shared a special "Gold Edition" of Hotel Romanstein, which was based on the full version of Wolfenstein 3D, and this time offers a whoppin' 60 new levels for the player to complete. It also adds new bosses to fight and it has its own modified title screen, unlike Mr Choi's previous mods. You do need the registered full version of Wolfenstein 3D to play this mod.

The many sequels to Hotel Romanstein

Mr Choi sure seem to have quite an odd hobby, as not many people could say they've created a ton of lewd mods for an earlier 90's first person shooter game. Mr Choi doesn't give a damn and just does what he likes to do... creating and sharing pixel smut, and we love him for that hihi.

Below you'll find a list of all the sequels and releases in the Hotel Romanstein mod collection, all of which are based on the source code of the shareware version of Wolfenstein 3D.

  • Hotel Romanstein 2: Xmas Party (2005)
  • Hotel Romanstein 3: Dissolution of Romance Nazi (2006)
  • Hotel Romanstein 4: Manga Quest (2006)
  • Hotel Romanstein 5: Return to Hotel Romanstein (2007)
  • Hotel Romanstein 6: Last Christmas (2007)
  • Hotel Romanstein 7 (Teen Version)
  • Hotel Romanstein 8 (Teen Version)

In 2010, a tenth entry in the series was released called; Romanstein Caverns. This is the first title in the series that wasn't created by Mr Choi, who apparently at this point had moved on to other hobbies. The Romanstein Caverns mod was created by Acord Games and released on April 23, 2010.

overview of all nsfw lewd and nude mods for wolfenstein d hotel romanstein

This tenth entry features 9 original new levels and offers improved coding to the base source code, allowing for an increased ammo rate, more detailed textures, modified menu, as well as adding a ceiling and floor to the levels, something which the original Wolfenstein 3D video game didn't have (just a plain grey color instead).

Krankenstein 1 & 2

Another not suitable for work mod for Wolfenstein 3D would be Krankenstein and its sequel, both created by a modder named Vincent. The first Krankenstein mod was released in 2009.

overview of all nsfw lewd and nude mods for wolfenstein d krankenstein

"Naughty nurses" would become the tagline of the Krankenstein mod, and for good reason. As these two mods take place in a hospital instead of the Nazi bunker in the original game. Ready to take on a large amount of nurses in bra and undies and shoot some deranged doctors?

overview of all nsfw lewd and nude mods for wolfenstein d krankenstein

Download Krankenstein (Free)

The sequel was released one year later on December 13, 2010. Once again continuing the same hospital theme. Both mods are based on the shareware version of Wolfenstein 3D.

How to play these old games and mods on a modern Windows 10 PC?

Since Wolfenstein 3D is quite an old-timer, to say the least, and well, computers and technology have much improved over the last few decades, you won't be able to play either Wolfenstein 3D nor these mods, right out of the box. You'll need an emulator to launch these old MS-Dos titles. This is the part where the open-source and freeware software "DosBox" comes to the rescue!

Step 1: Go download Dosbox from their official website, it's 100% free and open source.

Step 2: After downloading, double click on the installer to install DosBox to your PC, this will also create a shortcut onto your desktop. This might come in handy later on.

Step 3: Download any of the mods from above by simply clicking on the download button. These downloads are auto-extracting zip archives, this means, you won't need any additional software to unpack it. All you need to do is to double click on any of the downloaded files to extract the files to a folder.

Step 4: Once extracted, search for the exe file "Wolf3D.exe". Hold down your left mouse button to drag and drop that Wolf3D.exe file on top of the Dosbox shortcut (on your desktop) to launch it.

And voilà! You'll now be able to play retro MS-DOS games on modern day Windows machines. Enjoy these naughty Wolfenstein 3D versions!

One final tip: Press ALT + ENTER to switch to full screen (instead of window-mode). If the game runs too slow, press CTRL + F12 multiple times to increase the cycle speed. Repeat pressing CTRL + F12 until you've reached the desired game speed. The game running too fast instead? Press CTRL + F11 to make it run slower.

Looking for even more erotic Wolfenstein 3D mods? Check out this list here.

If you enjoy playing retro FPS games such as Doom and Wolfenstein 3D, you'd might be interested in another adult video game called "Hentai Shooter" as well, since it offers a very similar old-school style graphics and gameplay. The Hentai Shooter collection is available at the Nutaku website for just $1 dollar.

overview of all nsfw lewd and nude mods for wolfenstein d hentai shooter

Download Hentai Shooter ($1)
Sep 30, 2020

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